LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Have you ever thought, "I might as well not exercise today since I ate all those cookies today." Or maybe you have thought "If I can't declutter my house, why start at all." This is all or nothing thinking. When you view things as zero to 100. This type of thinking causes you to look at extremes and forget about options 1-99. You can see this in trying to implement self-care, meal planning, stress coping and so many other areas of your life if … [Read more...] about Breaking the Cycle of the ‘All or Nothing Mentality’ and Living Empowered
Your Menstrual Cycle Matters! What Your Flow and Your Foods Do to Your Energy and Burnout
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Do you ever feel like your period is a curse? I know I did! Not until I learned that being a woman and having a menstrual cycle is our superpower. It may sound crazy but stay with me. Once you understand that our menstrual cycle is broken up into periods of extreme productivity you will see why I say it is a superpower. Trying to operate at 100% every day during the month is a sure way to set yourself up from exhaustion and burnout. Listen to … [Read more...] about Your Menstrual Cycle Matters! What Your Flow and Your Foods Do to Your Energy and Burnout
Time Management Strategies for Busy Working Moms. Time to Get it Together, Mama
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Doesn't always seem like there is so much to do, but so little time? With work, the kids, and managing the home, it seems like there is never enough time. What if I told you there is a way to improve your time management so that you have more time to do the things that you enjoy? It's true. There are strategies that you can implement to improve the way that you manage your time. That is why I brought my guest Kristina to help with this. In … [Read more...] about Time Management Strategies for Busy Working Moms. Time to Get it Together, Mama
Not a Pet Lover? Tips for Gettin’ in the Animal Love WITHOUT Gettin a Puppy!
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER So your kids are asking for a dog again, but you are not really a dog lover. I totally get it! Let's be honest. Having a dog is a huge responsibility. It's almost like having a baby with the amount of care and attention you have to give a dog. I have a secret for you. I don't like dogs. But my friend N.E. Colby is helping with spreading the love for animals with my kids WITHOUT getting a puppy. In this episode we talk about: How N.E. … [Read more...] about Not a Pet Lover? Tips for Gettin’ in the Animal Love WITHOUT Gettin a Puppy!
Ready to Improve Your Parenting? This One Thing Will Transform Your Motherhood
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER News Flash! Your kids don't do want you to say, they do what you do. My guest Victoria had this realization when raising her kids and almost treating them like a project. Meaning that she thought she had to get her kids to be awesome in school and raise them to be awesome adults that would eventually leave and go off to college. The problem with this is kids have their own personalities and trajectories for life. The things that we push our kids … [Read more...] about Ready to Improve Your Parenting? This One Thing Will Transform Your Motherhood
Are You Burned Out?! Tips for Work-Life Balance to Prevent Burnout
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Are you feeling burned out? Burn out from work is a real thing that many people suffer from. Some statistics say that up to 70% of people in the workforce have experienced burn out. Then we look at moms and that number may be even higher. You can have success without burning yourself out on the hamster wheel of life. It first starts with you defining what success looks like to you instead of living out what others consider successful. Listen … [Read more...] about Are You Burned Out?! Tips for Work-Life Balance to Prevent Burnout
Before You Give Up, Let’s Talk
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER I know that 2020 has been a year for the history books. As a mother, it has been even more challenging with schools going virtual, being with your kids while working from home, and don't forget the hard conversations about race in the US. With everything that has happened, I know right now, more than ever, we need a little pep talk to get us ready for the new year. Even if you are listening to this episode in the middle of the year, this is a … [Read more...] about Before You Give Up, Let’s Talk
Does Work-Life Balance Exist? Hacks for Finding Balance While Getting More Control and Time
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Work-life balance is something that we hear about often. I feel like there are two camps. One that believes that you can achieve work-life balance and the other that thinks that it doesn't exist because there is no such thing is balanced because you can give equal amounts of time to the different parts of your life. Which camp are you in? This is the question that I asked my guest, Angie. Because let's be honest we secretly want when we are feeling … [Read more...] about Does Work-Life Balance Exist? Hacks for Finding Balance While Getting More Control and Time
Thinking About Starting A Mom Blog? This is Why Blogging May (or may not) Be Right for You
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Have you ever thought about blogging? Have you wondered if blogging is right for you? You're in luck. My guest, Kristine, is going to help answer those questions and more. In this episode we talk about: Why blogging a good outlet for moms Is blogging easy and simple for busy moms to learn? How to balance life, work/blogging, and motherhood Tips for making money blogging to support your family How in the world do you stand out … [Read more...] about Thinking About Starting A Mom Blog? This is Why Blogging May (or may not) Be Right for You
Creating Goals *You’ll Actually Achieve* This Year
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER We are at the home stretch of this year and this is the time that we start to make goals for the new year. Or maybe you are ready to make your dreams a reality. The new year always brings about big goals and resolutions. But it never fails that many people never achieve their goals. In fact, only 8% of people actually achieve their goals. [source] What if there was a way that you could set yourself up to achieve all of the goals you set for … [Read more...] about Creating Goals *You’ll Actually Achieve* This Year