I made a colossal declaration at the beginning of the year. I said I was going to have the best marriage ever in 2023. You see, I really felt like this was the one area of my life where I was really lacking. I felt good in almost every area except for my marriage. My marriage wasn't terrible, but I wasn't showing up like I do at work every day. Even though it is still early in the year, there are some lessons that I have learned since making my marriage a priority. Wanna know what … [Read more...] about Wanna More Loving and Fun Marriage? 3 Tips for Increasing Connection with Your Husband
Can’t Get Your Routine to Stick? This is Why Your Routine Isn’t Working For You
I love routines. I know that I wouldn’t be able to handle life well without them. But when I talk to some moms about routines, I get eye rolls and comments like, “routines don’t work for me.” Or “Routines are too restrictive. I like to be free.” I know you want motherhood to be easier. And maybe you have tried to implement some new routines, but they didn't stick. So why aren’t routines working for you? There are a couple of reasons why I think this is the case. Check out this episode to … [Read more...] about Can’t Get Your Routine to Stick? This is Why Your Routine Isn’t Working For You
The 3 Essential Routines ALL Working Moms Need
If you feel like you constantly forget things, your to-do list is always a mile long, and you are stressed more days than not, it's time to look at your routines. Routines don’t have to be boring and mundane. No routines can be simple and easy and give you more time to do the things you enjoy or rest. In this episode, I will share the three essential routines that all moms need. Plus, I will share a few more routines if you have the top 3 down pack. LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | … [Read more...] about The 3 Essential Routines ALL Working Moms Need
How to Tackle Your Big Unique Goals Without Burning Out
Every year, millions of people set goals and make resolutions, but why does it seem like we can never reach our goals? It seems like we have all these big dreams of doing these incredible things, but it just seems like we can never get it done, whether it's. Having to take care of the kids feeling like you're just so. Engrossed with work. Or maybe you feel like you don't have time because there are so many other things you must do at work and at home. But the thing is, … [Read more...] about How to Tackle Your Big Unique Goals Without Burning Out
6 Not-So-Sexy Self-Care Ideas for Busy Working Moms You Need to Try
As a mom, taking care of yourself can seem impossible when you have little ones. Especially as a new mom, all your focus goes to your baby, and me-time is nonexistent. But taking care of yourself is essential and is more than taking a shower. Although taking a shower is helpful to unwind and necessary for basic hygiene, several self-care ideas have been shared in pop culture that isn’t what you actually need. Pedicures, massages, and weekends away are great but aren’t going to help you … [Read more...] about 6 Not-So-Sexy Self-Care Ideas for Busy Working Moms You Need to Try
Planner Not Working For You? Try Routine Blocking
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER You have tried many different planners. The one that you saw on sale at Target. You even tried one that you saw your favorite influencer using on Instagram. But you can't stick with those planners. Or maybe they don't work for your lifestyle and what you are trying to accomplish. There's a new way of planning and blocking my days that I started using that has changed the way my days and weeks flow. And I want the same thing for you. … [Read more...] about Planner Not Working For You? Try Routine Blocking
7 Ways to Prevent Burnout This Year
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Burnout is widespread across the world. From parents to college students, burnout is increasing due to the stress of dealing with the pandemic and its aftermath. As working moms, we are even more likely to experience burnout. Working moms are 28% more likely to experience burnout than working dads. In this episode, I will share with you a little about what's been going on with me lately and answer the following questions: What is … [Read more...] about 7 Ways to Prevent Burnout This Year
How to Turn Your Time Into Money
How's it going with those big goals that you made at the beginning of the year? It's crazy that we will bring in the new year very soon. But before we do, we gotta tackle those goals. Especially the one that will make you money. But you don't know where to start. And you have no time to get everything done between the kids and work. Before you get frustrated and give up, check out this episode with my friend Ysaline. In this episode, you're gonna learn how you can get started with … [Read more...] about How to Turn Your Time Into Money
Simple Ways to Keep Your Child Safe Online This Summer
One thing that gets me during the summertime is how much the kids are on their devices. I feel like the kids are on their devices SO much more than usual. Do you notice this too? It's really concerning, especially when they're using apps and communicating with other people like Instagram and Facebook. It's scary to think about the things that some of the kids may be exposed to. So how can we keep our kids safe online? How can we do better about monitoring what they're … [Read more...] about Simple Ways to Keep Your Child Safe Online This Summer
Simple Tips to Stay Connected to Yourself So You Can Stay Connected to Your Kids
Right now it is hard to juggle all of the demands in life. You have work, the kids, the house, and everything else calling your name trying to get your attention. It's hard to find time for yourself, but there are ways that you can have the time you need to connect with yourself and your family. My guest will show you how.In this episode Elise shares: How we can stay connected to ourselvesHow to make space in your day for yourselfHow we can respond versus reactHow to identify things that are … [Read more...] about Simple Tips to Stay Connected to Yourself So You Can Stay Connected to Your Kids