Is your current job stressing you and unfulfilling? Maybe it's time to do something different. But the thought of changing careers or getting another job makes you nervous. I get it. You have a family to provide for and bills to pay. But at the end of the day, sacrificing yourself is only going to drain you to the point that my guest, Blake, experienced.If you are ready to at least consider stepping into a fulfilling career, you have to listen to this episode. In this episode, Blake … [Read more...] about Feeling Unfulfilled At Work? Tips for Having the Career of Your Dreams Without Sacrificing Your Income.
Feel like you don’t measure up? Simple Steps to Turn Things Around
There is one game that I am sure that all moms have played. That game is the comparison game. You know when you look at another mom and think that she is better than you because she is skinner than you and makes perfect Pinterest-worthy lunches every day for her kids. Or maybe it is subtle, like when you're at work and think that Becky's house must be so much cleaner than yours because her desk is always organized. Those comparison thoughts mess with us all.So what do you do when … [Read more...] about Feel like you don’t measure up? Simple Steps to Turn Things Around
How to Talk to Your Kids About Special Needs + How a Mom Advocated For Her Special Needs Son
What do you do when the doctors tell you this is as much engagement as you will get from your child and he will never walk? Do you accept the doctor's report or do you find another way?My guest, Dr. Chloe Webber, experienced this and decided not to accept that her son would never walk. Chloe shares her story with me and reminds me that as mother's we have an intuition that always knows best for our child.In this episode, Chloe and have a conversation about being an advocate for your child, no … [Read more...] about How to Talk to Your Kids About Special Needs + How a Mom Advocated For Her Special Needs Son
Feeling Stressed and Anxiety? 4 Steps to Go From Stressed to Relaxed and Ready.
Happy New Year! I am wishing you an awesome and prosperous new year. Instead of talking about goals at the beginning of the year, I am switching it up. I want to talk about something that we all deal with. From the board room to the home and in our relationships. The thing that I am talking about is stress. Stress pops up during almost any event or thought. Stress can be positive. The reason why I say this is because stress is what helps you deal with challenges and deadlines. But if … [Read more...] about Feeling Stressed and Anxiety? 4 Steps to Go From Stressed to Relaxed and Ready.
5 Things Your Teenage Boy Needs Most From You as His Mom with Monica Swanson
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Being a boy mom is something special. I know that they need something a little bit different from me as their mom than they do with their dad. I read Monica Swanson's viral blog post, "What a Teenage Boy Needs Most from his Mom." Then it was clear. Today, I wanted you to see what some of those things are if you are a boy mom like me. Monica shares with us five things that our boys need from us. And if you haven't checked out that … [Read more...] about 5 Things Your Teenage Boy Needs Most From You as His Mom with Monica Swanson
Simple Tips for Teaching Your Kids About Money
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Money is one topic with my kids that I find myself hesitating around. Sometimes I feel like they are too young to understand certain concepts. But at the same time these kids like expensive things. Instead of having my kids grow up with the wrong ideas I had about money, I am changing that with the help of Chelsea.Chelsea, from Smart Money Mamas, is on the podcast today to help us with tips for teaching our kids about money.In particular, she … [Read more...] about Simple Tips for Teaching Your Kids About Money
One Simple Way to Diffuse Fights With Your Kids
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER As my kids get older, I am finding myself getting into more and more arguments. I thought kids were supposed to stay cute and sweet until they are at least 10 years old?! LOL. Seriously, I want to be able to have conversations with my kids or give instructions without it turning into an argument. Whenever I have a parenting question there are two people that I lean to ... my mom and Kather Winter Sellery. Haven't heard of Katherine? Go back … [Read more...] about One Simple Way to Diffuse Fights With Your Kids
What Every Mom Needs to do to Lose Weight
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Raise your hand if you have gained some weight since the start of the pandemic. Raise your hand again if you are ready to lose some of that weight.I have both hands up and a guest that is going to help with this and more.Spoiler alert. The key to losing weight actually starts with self-care.In this episode Jennifer shares why this is so important as well as: The two main reasons why moms have such a hard time prioritizing their healthThe big … [Read more...] about What Every Mom Needs to do to Lose Weight
Planning Parental Leave? Steps to Have Your Ideal Maternity Leave
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER If there was one area that I could go back and time in and change in my life, it would be preparing for maternity leave when I had my first son. As a recent grad with student loans and no savings, taking 3-month maternity leave wasn't something that I could afford. Unfortunately, the United States did not have a federal paid maternity leave like other countries like Estonia, Portugal, and New Zealand. As a new mom I wanted to be home with my … [Read more...] about Planning Parental Leave? Steps to Have Your Ideal Maternity Leave
How to Support Your Entrepreneurial Child’s Ambition with Sheri
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER My oldest, I call him my little Gary Vee, because homeboy only wants to do things that make him money. He literally only gets motivated when I talk about giving him money for getting good grades at school. I've had a bit of a challenge with finding ways to support him and his entrepreneurial spirit, as well as making sure that he takes care of what he needs to at school. My guest Sherri is going to share some of her experiences on how we … [Read more...] about How to Support Your Entrepreneurial Child’s Ambition with Sheri