LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Have you ever felt like there's a constant battle between you and your kids? Like, asking them to pick up the toys only leads to meltdowns and attitudes out of nowhere. All we want is to walk around without injuring ourselves the Legos left on the floor. I used to think that I was struggling with my kid's meltdowns because it seemed to always be a full moon. Then I learned about power struggles. Kids have a basic need for power. When they … [Read more...] about 3 Tips to Overcome Power Struggles With Your Child
How to Use the Enneagram to Create Routines for Yourself and Your Family
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER In episode 124, we learned about the Enneagram and how to use the Enneagram to understand ourselves and improve our relationships. Not familiar with the Enneagram? Basically, the Enneagram is a personality test that is based on 9 different personality types. The beauty of the Enneagram personality test is it is a simple (but could be complicated) way to understand yourself and others. In this episode with are going to learn about how we can … [Read more...] about How to Use the Enneagram to Create Routines for Yourself and Your Family
How to Start Your Own Business as a VA – And Work From Home Permanently
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Have you ever thought about working from home, but you don't know where to start? Maybe it's time to consider being a VA. A VA (virtual assistant) is someone who works independently to help clients from anything to email marketing to social media management and graphic design. If you are looking for a way to work from home, check out this episode with Ester. She breaks down the skills needed to become a VA, how to tell the spammy jobs from the … [Read more...] about How to Start Your Own Business as a VA – And Work From Home Permanently
How to Pursue Your Dream of Starting a Business, Without Putting Your Family at Risk Financially
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Do you have a passion or an interest that you would like to pursue and turn into a business? Maybe it is something you have been thinking about for a while but have put it off because of time or money. Many times as moms we have big dreams and goals to start a business. Many times the process of starting a business can seem so daunting. Often time, even discouraging when we start to count the cost. But it doesn't have to be this way. … [Read more...] about How to Pursue Your Dream of Starting a Business, Without Putting Your Family at Risk Financially
How to be ambitious outside of motherhood with
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Raise your hand if you have used your kids as an excuse for why you haven't taken care of something?I know I have! Our kids don't have to be an excuse anymore when it comes to making time for self-care and pursuing the things that are most important to you.My guest, Christian, knows all about how to help moms with this problem.In this episode, Christian shares: Advice for moms that feel like they don't have time or can't afford self-careWhy moms … [Read more...] about How to be ambitious outside of motherhood with
Simple Steps to Be More Productive from the Productivity God Mother
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Sometimes getting up and getting started with the day is a challenge. The bed feels so good and you start to think about all of the things you have to do and decide to sleep for a few more minutes. Next thing you know, you've overslept and are late for work. This leads to a spiral that can send your day down into the dumps. Having a productive day doesn't necessarily require you to wake up super early in the morning. But there are a few … [Read more...] about Simple Steps to Be More Productive from the Productivity God Mother
How to Get Yourself Back on Track When Your Day/Week Goes Haywire
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER I am sure I'm not the only one that has felt like the entire week has just fallen apart. The worst part is when you feel like you don't know where to start to pick up the pieces to get back on track. Don't beat yourself anymore because I have a guest on the podcast today that is going to help you turn those days or weeks around so that you can get back in control and get rid of the overwhelm. In this episode Mridu shares: How to create … [Read more...] about How to Get Yourself Back on Track When Your Day/Week Goes Haywire
Simple Tips for Decreasing Stress by Learning to Listen to Your Body
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Let's be honest. Between work, kids, and the house you have a lot going on. And it can feel super overwhelming. Especially when we don't feel like we are juggling all of the plates well. Yes, stress is a normal part of life. But there comes a time when the stress is more than usual. And that is what to help you with today. To help us with managing our stress I brought my guest, Whitney. In this episode, Whitney shares: How we can … [Read more...] about Simple Tips for Decreasing Stress by Learning to Listen to Your Body
Having Trouble Talking to Your Teen? Communication Tips for Moms with Teens
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Even though I have an 8 and 5-year old, I feel like I have a teenager (or two) sometimes. Especially, when I'm talking to my oldest and he tells me I don't listen to him when I actually listen to everything he says. That stings. My biggest fear is my kids grow up and don't want to talk to me about their problems, issues, or struggles. Honestly, I was beginning to feel like my 8-year-old wasn't opening up to me like he used … [Read more...] about Having Trouble Talking to Your Teen? Communication Tips for Moms with Teens
Grocery Shopping Doesn’t Have to be the Worst Part of Your Week!
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Grocery shopping can be a drag. It’s one of those adult chores we must do but actually doing it can feel so time and energy depleting… Not only that but with many school districts across the U.S. going back in person this month and it’s no secret that parents everywhere need help to save both time and energy where they can! Don't you worry. I've got my guest Christine Pittman from to help with this. Christine has mastered the art of … [Read more...] about Grocery Shopping Doesn’t Have to be the Worst Part of Your Week!