Just because you are a mom, doesn’t mean that weren’t created for more.
I’ve been there when I felt like life consisted of changing diapers, cleaning, and feeding the kids.
You have so much purpose. If you are ready to connect with your purpose or know it is time to reset, check out this episode with my guest Tiah Lewis and learn how to find your purpose as a mom.
In this episode Tiah shares:
- How to get connected with your purpose.
- Why you can’t use your kids as an excuse anymore.
- What it means to sit with yourself.
- What purposeful living actually looks like.
- How we can have purposeful relationships.
- Why we need to take more time to reflect.
- One practical tip to being more purposeful.
Tiah Lewis is a mompreneur, best selling author, and mom of four beautiful girls. She is the owner of Momonpurposeliving, a hub for moms for inspiration and Purpose Coaching. She calls herself the Purpose Coach and Champion for Moms.
Connect with Tiah
- Website: https://www.momonpurposeliving.com
- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TiahLewisAuthor
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiahlewisauthor/
- Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/tiahlewis6/
- Freebie: https://www.realhappymom.com/purposeful-living
Links mentioned in this episode
- Website: https://www.momonpurposeliving.com
- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TiahLewisAuthor
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiahlewisauthor/
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Transcript of This Episode on How to Find Your Purpose as a Mom
Real Happy Mom 0:00
Hey there. I’m Tony and I am a wife and a mom of two little boys. And I’m a general dentist and reservists in the Navy. And I get it when it comes to be a busy working mom, I struggled with the thoughts of feeling like I wasn’t good enough, and losing my identity and motherhood. So I get it. And this is why I created the Real Happy Mom. To be a Real Happy Mom, you have to remain authentic and true to yourself. And you don’t need to be a so called perfect mom. On the Real Happy Mom podcast, we’ll interview real moms to chat about real life experiences. These guests and experts will help you to navigate the motherhood journey by providing answers to your questions and concerns surrounding raising children, cell care competence, and so much more. We’ll have discussions that provide practical tips and resources that you can easily implement into your busy mom life. So if you’re ready to get rid of the overwhelm and start being a Real Happy Mom, join me in the Real Happy Mom podcast. One thing that I found that has been tremendously helpful in making sure that I have the best week possible. And to eliminate the overwhelming chaos that tends to happen in our busy household is by doing the Sunday prep routine. Now my Sunday prep routine consists of about eight to 11 things depending on what is going on for the week, that are essential things that are going to help get me ready for the week and make sure that my week goes by smoothly. Now you want to get a hold of this and figure out what is she talking about with this Sunday prep routine. You want to go over to Real Happy Mom calm slash Sunday. And there you’ll find a way for you to enter your email so that I can send you my Sunday prep checklist. And in this checklist, outline each thing that you should do on Sunday to make sure that you have the best week ever. These things include getting your week prepared by planning things out, planning out your meals, getting your clothes ready, and so much more. I promise you it sounds like a lot but it only takes about 30 minutes if you really do it right. So go over to Happy Mom comm slash Sunday to get your Sunday prep checklist Again, that’s Real Happy Mom comm slash Sunday. Welcome back to another episode of the Real Happy Mom, Mom Podcast. I am super excited because this is a huge milestone for me. This is Episode 100. Yes, 100 episodes when I think about it, I’m just like, wow, this is a lot.
And I’m super excited to share this time with my guest today, who’s Tia T is going to be talking to us about getting on track with our purpose. And this episode, you’re going to hear about how you can get connected with your purpose. Why you can’t use your kids as an excuse anymore, why you haven’t reached your goals and dreams, and what it means to actually sit with yourself. Because she uses this term a lot and asks her to explain what does it mean to sit with yourself? as well as what does the purposeful living look like?
Tia is amazing and talked about some of the ways that we can have purposeful relationships and why we need to take more time to reflect. Plus you know all about the practical tips. So she shares one practical, practical tip to being more purposeful. And I’ll be honest with you the day that we recorded this episode was the day after the announcement of Chadwick boseman. Death. And it was just amazing to actually have that tie into this episode, and you’ll hear us talk about it. If you’re wondering, like who is Chadwick boseman. He is the star in the Black Panther movie, as well as other movies. But that’s where a lot of people know him. And I’ll be honest, when I learned about his dad, it was really, really devastating to me, because he seems like such an awesome person in so many people said so many amazing things about him. And when we talk about purposeful living, he was like a perfect example of that about living on purpose, and impacting people in a positive way. And yeah, he left, a lot of people touched in a really great way. So we talked about him, and how he’s an example of an impactful life and how we want to live that life as mothers. So stick around, check this episode out, I promise you this one is really good. And Tia is one of the awesome guests that I love to talk to just because not only does she have four beautiful girls of her own, but she’s also an author and entrepreneur. So she understands the mom life in she is really great at coaching about purpose. She calls herself a purpose coach in a champion for moms and you will see why in this episode. So let’s go ahead and jump on in. Alright, so today I have a guest that is going to be helping us out with getting on track with our purpose. So welcome to the podcast. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Tiah 4:59
Real Happy Mom 5:00
I have been looking forward to talking to you. I feel like all week because we started talking before. And I just feel like you have so much to share with us. But before we jump into our topic, I just want you to share a little bit about you, and how you actually got to this point of helping other moms find their purpose. Yeah, sure. So my name is Tia Lewis. And
Tiah 5:23
I like to say a mompreneur because mom comes first. So I’m a mompreneur and author wife and a mom of four daughters. And kind of how I came to this place is my transition from my corporate america job to stay home, after I have my twins. And, you know, it really was a tough transition for me. And so during that time, I knew that there was going to be some change happening
in my life. And so it was during that time that I really struggled with kind of with my identity as a mom, and, you know, leaving that corporate america career, so you know, I was, I felt like I was kind of climbing the ladder, and then all that kind of came to a halt. And so, being at home during that time just had me to really do some soul searching. And so to and to really see, you know, what was, what was my purpose? Why was I in the season, and
during that time, and I really came to realize that God was using me to really speak to other moms who are going through that same thing, I had always been
in leadership position, so that that flowed naturally. So it was just a matter of being able to capture what was going on in that mom’s life in that particular time in relation to my experience, and being able to, to really, you know, speak into her give her suggestions and things like that. And that’s kind of how I came, everything came to be to put this, you know, thing that I have been doing for so long, it’s action and then to structure and to begin, you know, culture moms on purpose. Yes, and I love the whole coaching moms on purpose, because I’ll be honest, I was in that camp of moms who had completely lost themselves at one point, and felt like, you know, what, am I doing? What, what do I do other than take care of this cute little baby? Am I right? There’s more than that. So actually, I wanted you to share with us a little bit more because I know that you’ve had your own experiences, but how can we as moms get more connected with our purpose? Yeah, you know, I think during that time, too, I can say and, and again, I still my daughters are my twin girls are for now. And so.
You know, I think the the biggest thing with the transition for me initially was accepting the fact that I was in transition. He felt like an except in the fact that you know, okay, this is truly just a season I had
a lady who I met with who was kind of like a leader and one of one of the leaders at my church and basically that was the word she spoke to me was understand that this is a season that you’re in this is not like a death sentence This is not you know, you can you will not recover from this and you know, and she said, You know, you’re in a season where you’re young, you’re in a, a fairly new marriage and my husband and I hadn’t been married that long you’re in a fairly new marriage.
And you have all this responsibility now thrown on it because like I said, we have four total in at that particular time when I made that transition, there was now three babies at home the twins and a one year old, right? If so, so she said there’s this responsibility that you have and so you are forced, kind of to go into a fight or flight mode, right, you know, and so, as you’re going through your day to day, you know, the biggest thing that I want to try to tell moms to do is as you go through your day to day really fine some time as hard as that may seem even if it’s not that long, but be intentional about really getting some time to just
you know, get time to yourself in a way that you are just sitting with yourself right you know, you’re really just sitting with yourself whether it be you know, you’re while you’re sitting to have your coffee I literally realize that I work better when my coffee time is uninterrupted by my kids like so you know, just the getting there Mommy, this mom that you know, and I’m like, I can enjoy this coffee right now. Right? You know, cuz I enjoy my coffee and I’m like, I can’t enjoy it when I’m getting pulled here in here in here. So that means that you know, I had to start getting up prior to that.
them, so I could have that time, you know, and when I, when I begin to see how that would affect my day to day and
you know, it took some adjusting and then some days, it’s not consistent, you know, you may have been up all night with a sick child or, you know, whatever the case might be, but it’s the intentionality of it. And so that, for me has has been a lifesaver, because initially, it was the mom guilt, you know, like, well, if I leave them for this amount of time, and you know, this, and, but not realizing that, at the end of the day, I wasn’t being as effective if I was burnt out tired or snappy, you know, or whatever. And so, you know, I definitely encourage moms to really be intentional about that time for you, and you just start off small and begin to grow it as you see fit for your family. Yes. And you brought up a couple of things. I just wanted to touch on really quick one, you said being intentional. I think that was kind of the theme song there is Yeah. So yeah, we’re being intentional with our time is it that we’re creating that time for ourselves? Are we make keeping that time sacred? Creating boundaries? Like what? How would you explain to make sure that we’re being intentional with that time? Yeah, you know, I
had a look, one time I had to look, and at a friend of mine, who I had met, who was, you know, she’s also mom, she had two young children. She was running her own business and all of that, and I, I felt like, I, I was able to use the excuse that I have small kids for a long time, like, like, like, no, I got a kid, I cannot do that, you know, like, and so I felt like, I kept using that, needless to say, as an excuse for me, right? You know, and when I met this person, I was like, I cannot use this excuse anymore. The intentional part was that
there was a, there was a sacrifice that she realized she had to make, like I said, which which, which entailed her happy to get up a little earlier, to get done what she had to get done. Not only that, it involved a little more structure than what some you know, some, you know, sometimes we don’t like structure, but always say structuring never hurt nobody, okay, cuz, because I know in order for, you know, me to really get a routine and get things done in the day, the kids need some type of structure, they need some type of routine, we we aren’t just winging it every day. Right. You know, and so being intentional in that means that there has to be some things that, you know, look, these are things that have to be done. These are things that have to be, you know, the kids are aware, you know, husbands aware, you know, if in laws are in the house, they’re aware, you know, and then that makes it so much easier when you’re saying, you know, what, how do I get this intentional time for myself? Well, if nobody knows what’s going on, and nobody knows, you know, what a schedule is, or when you know, this, you know, this, the baby needs to be fed, the kids are going to, you know, sports, whatever. How do you find the time because a big a big thing with moms is time, right? And so
when I have moms come to me and say, Well, how do you do this with four children? I have to be intentional. There’s no way I can wing it wing my days, right? Like I said, you have off days, I get it, you know, but it definitely has to be
some structure. Like Initially, I think my husband was kind of crazy about the structure, right? And I’m like, wait, you have to understand, so you want time to write, I can’t have time with a baby sitting on my lap and you want time, right? You know, so it’s like, getting everybody into this mindset of Yes, in order for everyone to kind of get what they need and want, then we have to have some type of structure and an idea of what our everyday is going to look like. So hopefully that helps with analogy a little bit. Yes. And I couldn’t agree with you more. I am really big on my routines. I feel like it’s not only just for the kids, but for us too. Because a lot of times people will say like, Oh yeah, kids thrive on routines, like no, we thrive on routines, right. So
Real Happy Mom 14:27
don’t with your lap. Yeah, for sure. Now, you brought up another thing too, about making sure that you’re being intentional, but also finding time to sit with yourself. Now some of us may be like, okay, like what you want me to do just sit here and look at like, what was that look like? Because I know a lot of times we’re so used to move in and go go go like we don’t even know how to just stop and sit still. So talk to us about that. Yeah.
Tiah 14:54
You know that that it’s a hard thing for me too, because, you know, a lot of times my mind
is running, right? You know, and you’re thinking of what you have to do what you’re going to eat what’s for dinner, you’re already at pull some, some, you know, they’ve already pulled this out there are, you know, whatever you’re thinking of all these different things. And so for me in the beginning, in the morning time, My day starts off with prayer, meditation and reading and stuff like that. But
even if it’s, when my babies were small, the morning did not work for me. And it was because I was just exhausted in the morning and I wasn’t getting up, you’d know, it would be two or three little babies at you know, six o’clock in the morning, right, you know, try to find some time because they were already up. So it was hard for me. So
one of one of
one of our friends who’s actually was was was older with older kids who are age or whatever, when they their kids were small, she told me what she used to do was, sometimes her time had to be during the middle of the day. So whether it was at nap time, or whether it was at, you know, a time where she knew she was coming back from somewhere. And what she would do, maybe it’s just sit in the car and read these kids or sleep, right? You know, I found myself doing that a lot. If the kids fell asleep in the car, on the way home, for me, the transition with my children into the house was not going to keep them sleep, they were going to wake up. And so I would just before I left, if I knew that, you know, we were going to be out for a little bit, I would just take me something to read or if I knew I had something to do I bring it along with me. Now we got you know, you got Wi Fi on your computers and everything’s or you got you know, hotspots on your phone you can set. And, you know that that was the times that I like to blog as well. So those were the times where I would I would write, you know, I would write, I would read. And then sometimes just, you know, for me it is
I’m a deep thinker sometimes. So for me, it was just sitting and thinking just about, you know, life where I was in my life, you know, things of the past, you know, where I want to go in my future and different things that I want to see happen, maybe within the next, you know, three months or whatever. So that that time, literally, like I said, it is it doesn’t have to be long. I mean, I’ve heard so many moms say, you know, tell me the same thing, like I got, I got some food, everybody fell asleep, and I was just happy to just sit and enjoy my meal, while everybody slept in the car. You know, that kind of thing? Right? You know? So it’s, it’s possible, it’s just really, you know, recognize it and see it when it happens. And not saying, Oh, you know what, let me hear it to get these kids in the house. And let me rush into that. It’s like, No, just sit there, sit with yourself for a little bit, you know, sit, whether it’s just silence.
You just got your favorite music plan, whatever it may be. And I think for me, and I believe, also for other moms to like, there’s something about that, that pulls you back centered, to where you feel like it’s a reset, you know, like you kind of reset, especially if it was like after, you know, hollering baby or whatever, and they finally fell asleep. There’s that reset? Sometimes you need, you know, because you were just frustrated when they described a little self asleep, you know. So I think that that’s really what kind of pulls us back together and can give us a reset, you know, so that we can continue on with our day. Yes. And you brought up a couple of things to your mind me at this one time. I was in dental school, and that was before I had kids. And so I didn’t really fully understand the whole concept of motherhood and parenthood in general. But there are these guys who had like four plus kids apiece. And this one guy, I think he had six kids. And I was mad at him because he was like, Yeah, like sometimes I go home from school, and I’ll just sit in the driveway. And I will just sit there and I will not go inside. And I was like, You selfish little person. Like, how could you leave your wife in the house? six kids by herself. And then I now that I’m a mom, I get it like I do.
And so my husband was actually preparing
for that interview. And yes, that was him taking time to sit with himself. Yeah. And I totally get it. So I know it’s just a little things like you say, like eat in a piece or just sitting in the car and just, you know, having just some quiet time. So yeah, I’m glad you brought that up. Because this is something I think that we take for granted. But right I’m glad you reminded me of that.
Real Happy Mom 19:46
Now I want to switch into talking about you know, purposeful living. So I’m going to share with this What does purposeful living look like? Yeah, um, and I seen this question and I was like, oh,
Tiah 20:00
This is so like, you know, I just I love this question. And so for,
you know, when when I first thought about,
you know, even, you know, making purposeful living and motherhood, a thing I fought for, for a long time, I’ve had different people, mentors and different things like that,
you know, speak about how, how I was able to help people navigate through different things that they were going through in their personal life, even on my job, right. And so, I used to say that my office was like a little counseling room, like we would sit, you know, we’ll come and sit and there was something about that, the comfortable feeling when people came in and sat, and we just talked, and there was just, you know, no, kind of, you know, ill will or intention thing is going on. And so, I began to think about some of the things that people shared with me over time, about about their life, and then walking in a purpose and different things like that. And I was like, wow, I remember this conversation we had on this, or I remember, you know, we had this conversation on this, and literally, it was, it was kind of taking all these things, and kind of like a, like, put it in a bank, right, you know, and really, Stan, you know, what, all these things are in this bank now, and how to, how does that pour back out into living like day to day, right. And so,
I put together these five kind of points or kind of post check things, which is, which is actually kind of what I give to people as opposed check for free is that it involves, you know, our identity, it involves our relationships, are we in the what I call divine relationships, across our life, all all, you know, aspects of relationships, it also involves bearing fruit. So what type of impact are we making with others?
It involves really just like it, like I said before, as as an as in sitting and thinking, and really looking at who we are, and
are we truly every day like walking and contributing to that, right, you know, and into what we think we’re supposed to be doing. And so there’s, there’s things on there that gives gives gives that post check. And so when I, when I first sat down and put these things together, I really didn’t realize the impact until I start walking people through it. And I was like, Oh, that’s good. You know, like, it just that different people share different things and stuff like that, then I was like, wow, this is really, these are the important things right in someone’s life. And so with these different things, are really think that in purposeful living, what that looks like, is incorporating these things in our lives, and being able to look at our lives on a daily basis to see if these areas are not aligned with us, I like to say like being aligned and purpose because, you know, we could have some relationships that are really not the best of relationships that are that are hindering our purposeful living, like I like to say, and so in whatever aspect it may be, or we may, you know, be struggling with our identity. So, again, with motherhood,
you know, we go through motherhood, I feel like there’s like a sweet spot in there. Like, we go through motherhood, and we go through an identity crisis. And it’s like, why did we go through that, and it’s because there is a,
there is a place where I believe we go as mothers when you go through that transition of carrying this baby all this time. And now that, that that baby is here, and there’s a mold that we go into that, you know, the fathers don’t understand, right, they can’t understand how that how that transition is made, is because we’ve we’ve carried this baby, you know, in us for all this time. And so there’s an instant, like switch, right? You know, in our mind that happens. And I believe when that happens, that
you know, it it conditions our mind, when we start to think about what we want to do in our life in our in in and begin to like walk in purpose, that they will always be a part of that. Right. They will always be a part of the way we think, the way we move the way we you know, decide to do things you know, which is why I think for moms, we always talk about a balance of these things right a balance of motherhood, a balance of your career.
Balance of how we do all these things, because we know now as mothers that it isn’t just our job anymore, or it isn’t just our husband anymore, or you know, it’s now a balance that we have to create in these things. And so, I think, when it comes to, like I said to the purposeful living in motherhood, as I like to say, is because motherhood shapes so much of that, and the way in which we pursue it, right, and the way in which we pursue that purposeful living, because it’s a heavy impactor, if you will, of how we proceed and do things, the timing in which we do things and how we, how we want to see that manifests like in our day to day life. Yeah, yeah, that was really good. And I was just sitting over here, scribbling away,
Real Happy Mom 25:56
it was another thing that I wanted you to touch on just a little bit more. So I know, you’re talking a little bit about the post check. And you brought up a couple of really good things, the first one, you know, checking in on our identity, because that’s one big thing that I know that we kind of get less than, really quickly, and you talked about that. But talk to us a little bit more about our relationships, like how we can be more powerful in our relationships, you know, this this one for me, it’s so funny I was, when I was talking to one of my friends, I was telling her how it seemed like, I had, like, a few relationships that I thought were like, they were new relationships, you know, and there weren’t like, you know, other moms and stuff. And I felt like, you know, they were like, maybe developing, I guess,
Tiah 26:44
and then all of a sudden, like, it just went away, right? It just went away. I don’t, I couldn’t even tell you like, to this day, what happened with these relationships? Right. And I began to like, at first, I was kind of like, a little frustrated, like, what happened? Like, well, I didn’t do anything that I’ve been somebody you know, you know, and I could never get that answer. Right. And so I began to think like, okay, you know, we hear a lot of times like that people may be removed on our lives for certain reasons, and different things like that. And, you know, maybe they’re not supposed to be in our, you know, life or in our future, or whatever the case might be. And I began to think about those things. As far as my own life and my own relation, ships, and think about the people who I truly have had in my life for an extended time, good, good and bad, right, you know, who, you know, maybe is as like, I’ve had to keep at a distance because they weren’t the best, or you know, those who I know, I can call like, event, I can get them all out. And then they, you know, they met with me, and then it’s now like, okay, you good. Now, let me tell you what you need to do, right? Those truth tellers for you, right. And so with divine relationships, how I kind of see them is that there are people that are supposed to be in your life, some who are there, and some who we probably haven’t even came across yet, that are supposed to walk this life with us. And when you begin to line align with your purpose, there will be some divine relationships that come across your way that you will know it, as soon as you connect with this person. We recently moved here to California, and I asked, and prayer about some connections that would help me navigate this new place this new space, you know, and, and I was just talking to one of my friends last night, who it was not only my realtor, but now is a friend Friend. Right, you know, and as we talked last night about that particular thing about how we were connected, how we knew, at that point, when we had a certain conversation that they were, we were like, Okay, this is why we were connected, right? We may not have initially known it or whatever, and you know, just in the way in which we met in a business relationship, but how we realize, wow, we’re going to need each other along this journey. And so, when you think about so I challenged, you know, moms and stuff to think about the relationships that they’re in, and to truly like, look at, is this relationship life giving? Is this person or this group of people or whatever? Do I feel like as I’m growing, and I am, you know, desire to make more of an impact, or whatever the case might may be? Are they on this journey with me? Or am I you know, nervous to share great things that’s happening in my life and my family’s life or, you know, whatever the case might be, and are they walking alongside me cheering me on saying and vice versa? Am I doing this for other people? You know, who are the people in my life that I’m doing this for? Do I feel any kind of way if my best friend is doing well, you know, like, okay, what’s going on with my heart?
In my relationship with with her, you know, that kind of thing. So I challenged people to look at the relationships that they’re in. Because if they are connected to you, and they’re supposed to be connected to you, you guys will be transforming together, there will be growth together, there will be some things that come along that journey that you’re like, whoa, I’m so glad we walk this together. Right, you know. So that’s what those are some of the things that I that I challenged the moms to look at, in their, really their divine relationships. Awesome. Awesome. And lastly, the, I wanted to just talk about the impact part because he said it again, who and being perfect, yeah, purposeful in our impact. And that is one thing I never really thought too much about. But I see how important it is, like I said, I, when I when I’m usually my quiet time and stuff, you know, my thing is, is prayer, and meditation. And so there is a there’s a scripture that talks about bearing fruit. And when it talks about bearing fruit and a sense of, if I’m doing what I’m supposed to be joining what I’m truly calling and purpose to be, you will know by the fruit that I produce, and the fruit that I produce is going to be the impact that I have on people’s lives. Right, you know, that they’ll be able to attest, they’ll be able to, to to testify about the impact that I’ve had on their life. And so it made me think about it, this is this is very timely, because I was just thinking last night about with the passing of Chat Chat with Boltzmann. Is that wow, like, I wonder, we know, he’s made an impact on this earth, right, by by just everything that he’s been involved in. But it made me think about, again, when you have somebody of that caliber in that, you know, stature that knows people across this world, what type of impact, right and so when you read all the different things, of what people say about him and have said about him, everything has been Wow, such a great humble person, you know, such an inspiring person such a, you know, whatever the case might be. And, and so it makes it makes you think about Wow, what impact will I make? Right? You know, what, what, what, what will people say about me, right? In the future, like, if you think about, like we’ve read, you know, you go to school, you read history books about people and what they’ve done, and different things like that. And, you know, you think about
people think about it on such a large scale. But, um, I, you know, think about it even in our own house, the impact that we make, on our children, on our husbands, on our family members, you know,
when I think about just in our small circles, right, just in your small circle of influence, what type of impact, you know, will they will they, what will they say about you, you know, and for me that that’s important, I think
it’s probably a little more it probably sits in me a little bit more because like I said, I’m when I think about just kind of that like leadership mentality and wanting to like push people and drive people to do things or whatever, then it hits me a little more, but I think it’s, it can start just in our own home as as a mom. Like I said, I have four daughters. So I feel like there’s eyes all the time watching, right? You know, what am I doing? What am I saying? They’re like little sponges, little, little mini me’s, right, you know, run around. So what will people hear them say, when they get older? And did it come from me? And is it? Is it positive? Is it you know? So that kind of impact is really,
you know, what I challenged moms to think about is that and starting starting small, you know, in your own sphere of influence in your own home, you know, in your own circle, and even to what are we telling ourselves in that, you know, are we are we telling ourselves that we can do that? Do we not feel that’s what the where that identity thing kind of rises that like, my biggest thing for me when I when I was going through that period of really just like soul searching and trying to figure out what why was I in this identity crisis was that I literally was asking myself, what can I possibly share with the world when I’m sitting at home with four children buried in everything in life and just exhausted right? That’s kind of like what I was telling myself, right? What could I possibly, but it really wasn’t about the world. It was about my own sphere of influence here in my own home, and then it begin to carry out to my sphere of influence with my own girlfriend.
Like this, they’re like, well, I got one deal. What am I supposed to be doing with this and though that, you know, whatever. And so it started small in my own home, and then it began to grow right, you know, into other places. So I challenged moms to think about that, too. Awesome. Awesome. And I love how you put it in just for those who are listening who like who she talked about how it was, he was the star and Black Panther. Yeah, it was funny, because last night, my husband had fell asleep, and I was still watching something on TV. And then breaking news came on. And I saw that, and I like, gasping for air.
Real Happy Mom 35:36
And my husband woke up by his slippers. Like, what’s wrong? What’s wrong? Right, look, look. But yeah, he really made an impact on a lot of Yeah, and I’m glad that you were able to tie that in. Because when I saw that, honestly, it just made me think about everything, you know, when when you see big figures who pass away and kind of start doing some reflection, like, okay, like, what a man, you know, right? What do I have to leave to my kids like, everything just been? And so yeah, yeah, to brought that up? Big, you know, I’ve seen somebody else, like on on on Facebook or whatever. And they posted about, you know, how when they heard about, you know, Kobe, Bryant’s death and how, you know, that was such another big impact. And I and I think that we, we, like you said, there was a reflection, there’s a reflection that goes on, and we start thinking, like, Am I doing what I’m, you know, supposed to be, am I you know, whatever, in that.
Tiah 36:30
That’s exactly it. Right? You know, it is that time that we only sometimes really think about that with death, you know, and it’s like, we actually should probably be filling that a little bit more, versus just going on with our busy lives and just living right, you know, that this reflection of how we are living our lives, and really seeing our lives for, you know, what it is like, I mean, because sometimes I feel like just busy is just busy, but it’s not truly, like, it’s not truly impacting anything, right, you know, like, and so it’s like, okay, these things that truly shake us are those things where you’re like, wow, what just happened, you know, to this person. And I think that the most powerful thing about Chadwick boseman, as I was reading was that this has been like a four year battle for him, right? And I literally was thinking like, wow, and these four years, knowing that he was battling this, you know, like, where, I wonder where his mind was, right? You know, and why his, you know, like, impact was so great, and how he spoke to people and spoke and did different things, and the memories that he left people, Was it because of he, he knew that he was going through this struggle, right? And like, didn’t know, you know, what, how the outcome would be every day. Right? You know, like, it was that making him reflect more was that making him you know, like, speak, you know, life into people more, or whatever the case might be, you know, you just, you just never know. But yeah, hearing people speak so highly of their encounters with him, is like, wow, and most people it was recent, like, within this four years, that he’s had been, you know, struggling with the cancer, and I’m just like, wow, that’s, that’s it. That’s, that’s an impactful life. I, I just, to me, I was just like, wow, I’m pretty sure like, at this point, in leaving in his life, there was some peace in in how he shared his life with the world, you know, like and impacted the world. He? Yes, yes, I totally, totally agree. And you have brought so much to us today, and just really made me think a lot and but in particular, about how to be more purposeful. So I was just wondering if there’s a mom listening and wants to get started with being more purposeful with their life, give us one practical tip that we can take to go ahead and start beginning to work in that purpose. Yeah, um, so the first thing I would say, is a morning routine. And like I said, I, I initially when I had small babies, I could not do the morning. So whether it’s, you know, during the middle of your day, or even in the evening, I think the evening is, is probably a little harder or whatever at times, but whenever you know, you have that time to, like we said before, just kind of sit with yourself right and just really have time to,
you know, whether it be you know, prayer, reading meditation, whatever it may be, is to have that routine, something that you set in place and use
stick to his as best as you can. Because I think in that time, what happens is you begin to start to
see how you can map out the other pieces. You know, like you, you begin to see like, okay, you start looking at relationships, you start looking at your identity, you start looking at where you’re going in life, and are you impacting people? And so I think that that dedicated time or routine by yourself
Real Happy Mom 40:32
would be a good start. Yes, yes. I really love the morning routine, I just finally got mine to a point where it’s like habitual and alpha, I will actually do it. So I’m totally with you on that one. Now, do you given us a lot and I know there’s some moms that are thinking like, Oh, I want to hear more about what she has to share. So tell us where we can find you online if we want to connect with you. Sure. So my website is mom on purpose.com.
Tiah 41:05
And like I said, I like to blog as well. So I have some of my most recent blogs on there and different things that that I’ve shared for moms. And also I have
my coaching on there and a couple of the books that I’ve co authored in and ebook also on there. I’m in my shop so that’s where you can find all about me I’m also on Instagram at to rules author Facebook at to Lewis author
Pinterest. I’m kind of new to Pinterest, but I think I Pinterest is to lose six I think or to that lose six or something. I’m like, I’m still trying to figure this Pinterest thing out. But But um, but yeah, so mom on purpose living.com and, and then instagram and facebook at t Lewis author. Awesome, awesome. And I’ll make sure to include all of those links in the show notes. Now to I know I’ve had a great time talking to you. Thank ya so much for coming on in this house. Really awesome.
Real Happy Mom 42:12
Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me. Well, that does it for this episode of the Real Happy Mom podcast. To find the links in the show notes. Make sure you head over to Real Happy mom.com slash 100 Oh my goodness, I can’t believe it. 100 episodes. Yes. Real Happy Mom comm slash win 100. There you’ll find all the links that were mentioned, as well as a blog post that covers this episode and some links that will help you that Tia has provided. Now do me a favor if you found this podcast helpful rate and review wherever you listen to this podcast episode in particular on Apple podcasts. Because here, Apple will know that this is a great podcast to listen to if you are rating and reviewing it, and I will know that this message is helping and resonating with you. So do that for me. I’ll be forever grateful. And check me out next Tuesday for another full episode. And next Tuesday I will be talking to Kate who is the founder of pallet bipac. And if you’re like what is that make sure you stick around on Tuesday to find out so take care of with lots of love.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
Thanks, Vicky. I am glad that you heard me on Best of Both Worlds and joined me here. Yes, this episode was really helpful in asking the questions to go down the path of living on purpose and with impact. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Wow, it’s like you read my mind. I just heard about you on the Best of Both Worlds Podcast, and now I can’t wait to listen to this! This has been on my mind for years and especially lately. I want to feel impactful t the world beyond my mom-hood, which I know has an impact, but there is more than that. I have been an environmentalist for a long time and make my own actions to try and have a positive impact, but I want to go beyond that and don’t know how. I can’t wait to listen. Thanks!