Self-love is the start of having great relationships and a better outlook on life. How to grow love for yourself is a common question most moms have.
Check out these 4 steps for growing love for yourself or listen to the video below. These are highlights from my presentation at that Purpose Driven Mom Summit.
Step 1: Forgive
Forgive not only those that have hurt you, but forgive yourself.
Forgive yourself for the mistakes that you have made. Forgive yourself for not getting everything done.
Stop punishing yourself for things in your past. You can not change the past.
So stop tormenting yourself with thinking about if, should and could.
Once you are able to forgive yourself, you will begin to separate what you have done with who you are. This will really help you to see yourself for who you truly are and being to grow the love for yourself.
Just as you forgive yourself, forgive others.
Forgiving others have so many benefits including lowering your stress and hostility.
Step 2: Protect yourself
Protect yourself from people and things that will hurt you and bring you down.
Just like you would protect your kids and you won’t allow them to watch certain things on TV.
Or they can’t watch certain movies, play certain video games, the same goes for you.
You want to protect yourself from all the foolishness that brings lifts you up. You don’t want to allow yourself to put up with a bunch of things that will bring you down.
Protecting yourself helps to build your self-esteem. When you protect yourself you will stand up for you just like a mama bear does for her kids.
You protect what you love and cherish. When you start protecting yourself, you will grow love for yourself.
Step 3: Set limits
This is a big one for us. As Mama bears, we tend to and to say yes to everything and everyone.
But there has to be limits and boundaries that are set for yourself and for others. This prevents you from doing too much.
When you overcommit yourself, you ended up doing things that you regret. And usually, get upset with yourself later.
You also want to say no to people and things that are negatively going to affect your mind, body, and spirit.
Setting limits helps to keep us in a safe place and prevents burn out and being overworked.
So remember to set those limits.
Step 4: Practice self-care
This is something I talk about a lot. Because of my own experiences, I know how taking time for yourself can make you a better person, a better mom, a better wife.
Between, work, home and other responsibilities you may feel like you are busy taking care of everyone else. But who takes care of you?
Neglecting yourself and acting humble like you don’t need anything has serious consequences. Simple self-care practices can strengthen your health and well-being.
When you become drained and burned out you can’t effectively take care of your family.
You can’t take care of others if you’re not taking care of yourself.
If you need ideas on simple practices you can implement today, check out this list of 50 moms self-care ideas and my list of self-care ideas that cost no money.
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Those are the four steps that I have for you so you can learn how to grow love for yourself.
So just to recap, step one is to forgive. Forgive yourself and forgive others.
Step two is to protect yourself from negative people and negative things that will bring you down.
Step three is set limits. Say no to people and things that bring negativity that will affect your mind, body, and spirit.
Then step four is to practice self-care because you cannot fill from an empty cup.
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