Happy New Year! As we start the new year, I want to share a powerful mindset shift that can help you feel more accomplished and motivated as you work toward your goals (big or small). This insight comes from the book 10x is Easier Than 2x by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy, and it has completely changed how I measure success in my own life. If you’ve been feeling like you’re falling behind or not making enough progress—whether it’s decluttering your kitchen, starting a new … [Read more...] about The Best Way to Measure Your Success
How to Overcome the BIG Obstacles and Achieve Your Big Dreams By December 31st
Every new year, we start with a fresh slate. And many people are brimming with enthusiasm with a list of resolutions and goals for the new year. But for moms, the challenge of balancing work, family, and personal aspirations can sometimes make big goals seem like distant stars in the night sky. There's the incredible power of determination, resilience, and a clear vision that can turn even the biggest dreams into reality. And that's what I want to help you with today. As we approach … [Read more...] about How to Overcome the BIG Obstacles and Achieve Your Big Dreams By December 31st
How to Tackle Your Big Unique Goals Without Burning Out
Every year, millions of people set goals and make resolutions, but why does it seem like we can never reach our goals? It seems like we have all these big dreams of doing these incredible things, but it just seems like we can never get it done, whether it's. Having to take care of the kids feeling like you're just so. Engrossed with work. Or maybe you feel like you don't have time because there are so many other things you must do at work and at home. But the thing is, … [Read more...] about How to Tackle Your Big Unique Goals Without Burning Out
Before You Give Up, Let’s Talk
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER I know that 2020 has been a year for the history books. As a mother, it has been even more challenging with schools going virtual, being with your kids while working from home, and don't forget the hard conversations about race in the US. With everything that has happened, I know right now, more than ever, we need a little pep talk to get us ready for the new year. Even if you are listening to this episode in the middle of the year, this is a … [Read more...] about Before You Give Up, Let’s Talk
Creating Goals *You’ll Actually Achieve* This Year
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER We are at the home stretch of this year and this is the time that we start to make goals for the new year. Or maybe you are ready to make your dreams a reality. The new year always brings about big goals and resolutions. But it never fails that many people never achieve their goals. In fact, only 8% of people actually achieve their goals. [source] What if there was a way that you could set yourself up to achieve all of the goals you set for … [Read more...] about Creating Goals *You’ll Actually Achieve* This Year
How to Make Goals You Will Actually Achieve
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER 25% of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions after one week. And 60% of people leave them within six months. Why is this happening? Part of the problem is setting unrealistic goals. But what if there was a way to set up goals that you could actually achieve them? Check out this post or listen to the podcast to learn how to make goals you will actually achieve. Pin this for later! This episode is sponsored by Organized Choas Set … [Read more...] about How to Make Goals You Will Actually Achieve
How to Take Your Dreams to Reality
LISTEN: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER In this episode of the podcast, I have a returning guest. I'm talking to Denis Tunca about taking your dreams to reality. She was my very first guest on the podcast. Denis is a business visionary and strategy coach that gave us the tough love on why moms have a hard time pursuing their dreams in episode 1. I wanted to have Denis back because I felt like we stopped right when things were getting good. We talked a lot about what gets moms hung up … [Read more...] about How to Take Your Dreams to Reality
My Story of Accomplishing My Goal
One of the many reasons why I chose to join the Navy is because of my inability to swim. Weird, right? But, true. I was in my late twenties and never learned how to swim. I thought that if I joined the Navy I would finally learn to swim because you to HAVE to know how to swim to be in the Navy. I told my recruiter up front that I didn't know how to swim and he suggested that I begin getting swim lessons immediately before going to DCOIC or Direct Commission Officer Indoctrination Course. … [Read more...] about My Story of Accomplishing My Goal